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Start an asynchronous operation to write a certain amount of data to a stream.
template< typename AsyncWriteStream, typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler> void-or-deduced async_write( AsyncWriteStream & s, const ConstBufferSequence & buffers, WriteHandler && handler, typename enable_if< is_const_buffer_sequence< ConstBufferSequence >::value >::type * = 0); » more... template< typename AsyncWriteStream, typename ConstBufferSequence, typename CompletionCondition, typename WriteHandler> void-or-deduced async_write( AsyncWriteStream & s, const ConstBufferSequence & buffers, CompletionCondition completion_condition, WriteHandler && handler, typename enable_if< is_const_buffer_sequence< ConstBufferSequence >::value >::type * = 0); » more... template< typename AsyncWriteStream, typename DynamicBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler> void-or-deduced async_write( AsyncWriteStream & s, DynamicBufferSequence && buffers, WriteHandler && handler, typename enable_if< is_dynamic_buffer_sequence< DynamicBufferSequence >::value >::type * = 0); » more... template< typename AsyncWriteStream, typename DynamicBufferSequence, typename CompletionCondition, typename WriteHandler> void-or-deduced async_write( AsyncWriteStream & s, DynamicBufferSequence && buffers, CompletionCondition completion_condition, WriteHandler && handler, typename enable_if< is_dynamic_buffer_sequence< DynamicBufferSequence >::value >::type * = 0); » more... template< typename AsyncWriteStream, typename Allocator, typename WriteHandler> void-or-deduced async_write( AsyncWriteStream & s, basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b, WriteHandler && handler); » more... template< typename AsyncWriteStream, typename Allocator, typename CompletionCondition, typename WriteHandler> void-or-deduced async_write( AsyncWriteStream & s, basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, WriteHandler && handler); » more...
Header: asio/write.hpp
Convenience header: asio.hpp