Urdl C++ Library


Parsing URLs

The urdl::url class gives us the ability to parse URLs and access their component parts. The default constructor:

// For urdl::url.
#include <urdl/url.hpp>


urdl::url url("http://somehost/path");

provides a conversion from std::string or const char* to URLs. If the URL does not parse correctly, the constructor throws an exception of type boost::system::system_error. It is this constructor that is used when we write:

urdl::istream is("http://somehost/path");

We can also use the urdl::url::from_string static member function to explicitly parse a URL, with the option of choosing a throwing overload:

urdl::url url = urdl::url::from_string("http://somehost/path");

or an overload that does not throw an exception on failure:

boost::system::error_code ec;
urdl::url url = urdl::url::from_string("http://somehost/path", ec);
