asio C++ library



The async_write_at function is a composed asynchronous operation that writes a certain amount of data at the specified offset before completion.

Start an asynchronous operation to write all of the supplied data at the specified offset.

    typename AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice,
    typename ConstBufferSequence,
    typename WriteHandler>
DEDUCED async_write_at(
    AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice & d,
    uint64_t offset,
    const ConstBufferSequence & buffers,
    WriteHandler && handler);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to write a certain amount of data at the specified offset.

    typename AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice,
    typename ConstBufferSequence,
    typename CompletionCondition,
    typename WriteHandler>
DEDUCED async_write_at(
    AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice & d,
    uint64_t offset,
    const ConstBufferSequence & buffers,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    WriteHandler && handler);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to write all of the supplied data at the specified offset.

    typename AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice,
    typename Allocator,
    typename WriteHandler>
DEDUCED async_write_at(
    AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice & d,
    uint64_t offset,
    basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    WriteHandler && handler);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to write a certain amount of data at the specified offset.

    typename AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice,
    typename Allocator,
    typename CompletionCondition,
    typename WriteHandler>
DEDUCED async_write_at(
    AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice & d,
    uint64_t offset,
    basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    WriteHandler && handler);
  » more...

Header: asio/write_at.hpp

Convenience header: asio.hpp
