![]() |
The following platform and compiler combinations are regularly tested:
The following platforms may also work:
must be defined.)
The following libraries must be available in order to link programs that use Asio:
to launch coroutines.
or async_read_until()
overloads that take a boost::regex
Furthermore, some of the examples also require Boost.Date_Time or Boost.Serialization libraries.
![]() |
Note |
With MSVC or Borland C++ you may want to add |
By default, Asio is a header-only library. However, some developers may prefer
to build Asio using separately compiled source code. To do this, add #include <asio/impl/src.hpp>
one (and only one) source file in a program, then build the program with ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION
defined in the
project/compiler settings. Alternatively, ASIO_DYN_LINK
may be defined to build a separately-compiled Asio as part of a shared library.
If using Asio's SSL support, you will also need to add #include
If the boost directory (e.g. the directory called boost_1_34_1
is in the same directory as the asio source kit, then you may configure asio
by simply going:
in the root directory of the asio source kit. Note that configure will always use the most recent boost version it knows about (i.e. 1.34.1) in preference to earlier versions, if there is more than one version present.
If the boost directory is in some other location, then you need to specify this directory when running configure:
./configure --with-boost=path_to_boost
When specifying the boost directory in this way you should ensure that you use an absolute path.
To build the examples, simply run make
in the root directory of the asio source kit. To also build and run the unit
tests, to confirm that asio is working correctly, run make
To build using the MSVC 9.0 (or later) command line compiler, perform the following steps in a Command Prompt window:
is not in the same directory as the asio source kit, then specify the location
of boost by running a command similar to set BOOSTDIR=path_to_boost
Ensure that you specify an absolute path.
nmake -f Makefile.msc
nmake -f Makefile.msc check
to run a suite of tests to confirm
that asio is working correctly.
To build using the MinGW g++ compiler from the command line, perform the following steps in a Command Prompt window:
is not in the same directory as the asio source kit, then specify the location
of boost by running a command similar to set BOOSTDIR=path_to_boost
Ensure that you specify an absolute path using forward slashes
(i.e. c:/projects/boost_1_34_1
rather than c:\projects\boost_1_34_1
make -f Makefile.mgw
make -f Makefile.mgw check
to run a suite of tests to confirm
that asio is working correctly.
![]() |
Note |
The above instructions do not work when building inside MSYS. If you want
to build using MSYS, you should use |
The macros listed in the table below may be used to control the interface, functionality, and behaviour of Asio.
Macro |
Description |
Disables Asio's deprecated interfaces and functionality. See Networking TS Compatibility for a list of older interfaces that have been deprecated, and their replacements. |
Disables Asio's support for the Networking TS executor model. By default, Asio simultaneously supports both Networking TS-style executors, and executors that adhere to the proposed standard executor model. This macro may be used to limit support to the proposed standard executors only. See Proposed Standard Executors for more information. |
Specifies that
This new name may break existing code that directly uses the old
Networking TS-style polymorphic wrapper, See Proposed Standard Executors for more information. |
Disables support for the
By default, dynamic buffer operations such as
When |
Enables Asio's buffer debugging support, which can help identify when invalid buffers are used in read or write operations (e.g. if a std::string object being written is destroyed before the write operation completes).
When using Microsoft Visual C++ 11.0 or later, this macro is defined
automatically if the compiler's iterator debugging support is enabled,
When using g++, this macro is defined automatically if standard library
debugging is enabled ( |
Explictly disables Asio's buffer debugging support. |
Enables Asio's Handler Tracking debugging facility. |
Explicitly disables |
Explicitly disables |
Explicitly disables |
Explicitly disables |
Explicitly disables I/O completion ports support on Windows, forcing
the use of a |
Explicitly disables Asio's threading support, independent of whether or not Boost supports threads. |
By default, Asio will automatically define |
By default, Asio will automatically define |
When compiling for Windows using Microsoft Visual C++ or Borland
C++, Asio will automatically link in the necessary Windows SDK libraries
for sockets support (i.e. |
Enables use of the
Disables uses of the |
Determines the number of buckets in asio's internal Some examples:
Changes |
Uses separately compiled source code for Asio's implementation. See above for further information. |
Uses separately compiled source code for Asio's implementation, with symbols exported for inclusion as part of a shared library. See above for further information. |
Disables all symbol visibility pragmas. Note: If symbols are hidden, extra care must be taken to ensure that Asio types are not passed across shared library API boundaries. |
Asio automatically defines preprocessor macros corresponding to the detected
available features on a particular compiler and target platform. These macros
are named with the prefix ASIO_HAS_
and are listed in the table below.
Many of these macros also have a corresponding ASIO_DISABLE_
macro that may be used to explicitly disable the feature.
In general, ASIO_HAS_
should not be explicitly defined by the user, except when absolutely required
as a workaround for the latest version of a compiler or platform. For older
compiler/platform combinations where a specific ASIO_HAS_
macro is not automatically defined, testing may have shown that a claimed feature
isn't sufficiently conformant to be compatible with Asio's needs.
Macro |
Description |
Macro to disable feature |
Support alias templates on compilers known to allow it. |
Support for the alignof operator. |
Boost align library. |
Boost array library. |
Boost assert macro. |
Boost bind function. |
Boost support for chrono. |
Boost.Config library is available. |
Boost support for the Context library's fibers. |
Boost support for the Coroutine library. |
Boost support for the DateTime library. |
Boost limits header. |
Boost regex library. |
Boost support for source_location and system errors. |
Boost throw_exception function. |
Boost's BOOST_WORKAROUND macro. |
Some form of chrono library is available. |
Clang / libc++ detection. |
Support concepts on compilers known to allow them. |
Support SFINAE use of constant expressions on compilers known to allow it. |
Support constexpr on compilers known to allow it. |
Support the co_await keyword on compilers known to allow it. |
Standard library support for the cstdint header. |
Standard library support for the C++11 allocator additions. |
Support automatic type deduction on compilers known to support it. |
Support default function template arguments on compilers known to allow it. |
Solaris: /dev/poll. |
Support enum classes on compilers known to allow them. |
Linux: epoll, eventfd and timerfd. |
Linux: epoll, eventfd and timerfd. |
Files. |
Can use getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo(). |
Handler hooking. Disabled for ancient Borland C++ and gcc compilers. |
Windows: IO Completion Ports. |
Linux: io_uring is used instead of epoll. |
Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD: kqueue. |
UNIX domain sockets. |
Support move construction and assignment on compilers known to allow it. |
Kernel support for MSG_NOSIGNAL. |
Support noexcept on compilers known to allow it. |
Support noexcept on function types on compilers known to allow it. |
Standard library support for the nullptr_t type. |
Pipes. |
POSIX: stream-oriented file descriptors. |
POSIX threads. |
Support ref-qualified functions on compilers known to allow it. |
Support return type deduction on compilers known to allow it. |
Microsoft Visual C++'s secure C runtime library. |
Serial ports. |
Support SFINAEd template variables on compilers known to allow it. |
Can use sigaction() instead of signal(). |
Can use signal(). |
Standard library has a source_location that we can use. |
Support for POSIX ssize_t typedef. |
Standard library support for addressof. |
Standard library support for aligned allocation. |
Standard library support for allocator_arg_t. |
Standard library support for std::any. |
Standard library support for arrays. |
Standard library support for atomic operations. |
Standard library support for the call_once function. |
Standard library support for chrono. Some standard libraries (such as the libstdc++ shipped with gcc 4.6) provide monotonic_clock as per early C++0x drafts, rather than the eventually standardised name of steady_clock. |
Standard library support for chrono. Some standard libraries (such as the libstdc++ shipped with gcc 4.6) provide monotonic_clock as per early C++0x drafts, rather than the eventually standardised name of steady_clock. |
Support concepts on compilers known to allow them. |
Standard library support for coroutines. |
Standard library support for std::exception_ptr and std::current_exception. |
Standard library support for std::experimental::source_location. |
Standard library support for std::experimental::string_view. |
Standard library support for the function class. |
Standard library support for futures. |
Standard library support for std::hash. |
Standard library support for std::index_sequence. |
Standard library has invoke_result (which supersedes result_of). |
Standard library support for iostream move construction and assignment. |
Standard library support for the mutex and condition variable classes. |
Standard library support for std::nested_exception. |
Standard library support for the reference_wrapper class. |
Standard library support for shared_ptr and weak_ptr. |
Standard library support for std::string_view. |
Standard library support for system errors. |
Standard library support for the thread class. |
Standard library support for std::to_address. |
Standard library support for std::tuple. |
Standard library support for type traits. |
Standard library has a string_view that we can use. |
Threads. |
Support for the __thread keyword extension. |
Linux: epoll, eventfd and timerfd. |
On POSIX (and POSIX-like) platforms we need to include unistd.h in order to get access to the various platform feature macros, e.g. to be able to test for threads support. |
Support template variables on compilers known to allow it. |
Support for capturing parameter packs in lambdas. |
Support variadic templates on compilers known to allow it. |
Windows: object handles. |
Windows: OVERLAPPED wrapper. |
Windows: random access handles. |
Windows: stream handles. |
Enable workarounds for lack of working expression SFINAE. |
A mailing list specifically for Asio may be found on SourceForge.net. Newsgroup access is provided via Gmane.