asio C++ library



The async_read function is a composed asynchronous operation that reads a certain amount of data from a stream before completion.

Start an asynchronous operation to read a certain amount of data from a stream.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename MutableBufferSequence,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    const MutableBufferSequence & buffers,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >(),
    constraint_t< is_mutable_buffer_sequence< MutableBufferSequence >::value >  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename MutableBufferSequence,
    typename CompletionCondition,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    const MutableBufferSequence & buffers,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >(),
    constraint_t< is_mutable_buffer_sequence< MutableBufferSequence >::value >  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v1,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v1 && buffers,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >(),
    constraint_t< is_dynamic_buffer_v1< decay_t< DynamicBuffer_v1 > >::value >  = 0,
    constraint_t< !is_dynamic_buffer_v2< decay_t< DynamicBuffer_v1 > >::value >  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v1,
    typename CompletionCondition,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v1 && buffers,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >(),
    constraint_t< is_dynamic_buffer_v1< decay_t< DynamicBuffer_v1 > >::value >  = 0,
    constraint_t< !is_dynamic_buffer_v2< decay_t< DynamicBuffer_v1 > >::value >  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename Allocator,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >());
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename Allocator,
    typename CompletionCondition,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >());
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v2,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v2 buffers,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >(),
    constraint_t< is_dynamic_buffer_v2< DynamicBuffer_v2 >::value >  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v2,
    typename CompletionCondition,
    typename ReadToken = default_completion_token_t<        typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>>
DEDUCED async_read(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v2 buffers,
    CompletionCondition completion_condition,
    ReadToken && token = default_completion_token_t< typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type >(),
    constraint_t< is_dynamic_buffer_v2< DynamicBuffer_v2 >::value >  = 0);
  » more...

Header: asio/impl/read.hpp

Convenience header: asio.hpp
